G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #152

“…Just Fade Away”

Writer: Larry Hama
Penciler: Phil Gossier


Joe Colton reports to McGuire AFB, where Ace is to deliver him to Washington for a top-secret meeting. En route, Joe flashes back to the last time he was in a combat jet: November 1963.

: cue flashback music :

Joe remembers how his special forces “A” team was overrun by “Charley” in Vietnam. Joe jumped into a VC ammo bunker to give his guys time to escape. After single-handedly fighting them off and escaping the bunker’s explosion, he made it back to his team for a helicopter extraction. But the helicopter is gunned down by unfriendlies. Only three guys are left in the team: Joe, 1st Sgt. “Top” Wenzel and SP4 Angel Vasquez, but Vasquez soon takes a slew of bullets. An unmarked all-black Huey then flies in to pull them out.

The Huey has orders to fly Joe and his crew directly to Tonsonhut. Joe protests, because Vasquez will die if he doesn’t get immediate medical attention. They eventually make it to Tonsonhut, but Vasquez dies, en route. Joe made a promise to give him a proper burial, instead of being tossed aside like garbage on the tarmac.

Joe is then flown to Washington DC, where he meets President Kennedy. Kennedy likes Joe’s “honesty and fervor of youth” and wants him to head up the new “GI Joe” team. Answerable only to the Pres, they’ll be “a cadre of knights errant fit for a modern Camelot”. Kennedy then leaves to head off to Texas…

Back in the present, Joe is shaken up by flying over Arlington Cemetery.


  • This was a special “30th anniversary” issue of the entire GI Joe franchise, commemorating 1964 to 1994. Of course, there was a four of five year gap, in there, from roughly 1978 to 1982 during the transition from “Big Joes” to “Small Joes”.
  • Important to note that Joe was in Vietnam during the US’s early involvement. But the flashback scenes seem more like the “official” war from 1965 to 1974– do-rags, “Charley”, Hueys, etc.
  • Joe is clearly depicted wearing a green beret. One of the first units Kenendy assigned to Vietnam was, in fact, the Green Berets. During the flashback, Joe is the only soldier wearing a beret.


  • Of course, during the flashback, Joe falls into the usual Hama manner of remembering which type of weapon was being fired.

  • Kennedy says that “GI Joe” is just the temporary name for the new unit. It’ll officially be “Special Counter-terrorist Group Delta” by the 80’s. Not really a No-Prize, but the explanation would be that “GI Joe” is simply shorter. Also, since the late, lamented JFK gave the team its nickname, it’s kept out of respect to him.
  • In the present, we’re never told why Joe was being taken to Washington DC. This is another plot thread that was left to rot.
  • First time the Joes had used McGuire AFB since issue 49.
  • More pin-ups fill out the issue: Duke by Alex Saviuk (looking like a mutant muscleman). Stalker by “Kobasic and Collazo” (who?). Rock n’ Roll by “Evans & Koblish” (although it looks like MD Bright), Storm Shadow by Ernie Chan. Scarlett by Phil Gossier and (a rather gory) Snake-Eyes by Phil Gossier.
  • The Scarlett pin-up had been used in the corner box for the past few issues.
  • Ace is flying the new 1993 “Ghoststriker X-16” plane. He’s also sporting more contemporary fighter pilot duds, not his usual “Space Ace” outfit.
  • Colton had a special 30th anniversary figure made of him. He’s wearing his green beret and everything. So for this issue only, he’s moving into the “figures” designation.
  • Nice little “GI Combat” type of story, but it’s lacking that something special to make it enjoyable. Some way to tie Joe more directly into the 80’s team would’ve been nice. I wouldn’t have any Cobras in Vietnam, but maybe have a young General Flagg meet Joe and Kennedy in Washington?


Characters (figures): Ace, GI Joe Colton

Characters (“comic-only”): President Kennedy, “Top” Wenzel, Angel Vasquez, rest of Joe’s team.

Vehicles and stuff (toys): Ghoststriker X-16

Vehicles and stuff (not toys): Hueys

Characters: President Kennedy, “Top” Wenzel, Angel Vasquez, rest of Joe’s team.

Vehicles and stuff: Ghoststriker X-16

Rating: 3 Flag Points

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