G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #41

“Strategic Diplomacy”
Writer: Larry Hama
Penciler: Rod Whigham


After last issue’s blast ruptured a fault line, a small land mass has risen in the Gulf of Mexico. Well beyond the 3 mile limits of any adjacent country, Cobra lays claim to it as its own sovereign nation. The “Cobra Legal Troopers” head to key cities to make it official.

After suviving a tidal wave, Duke rallies the team to attack the new land mass and push Cobra off of it. The Joes rip through the small Cobra battalion and break into Cobra Commander’s control room… when Hawk radioes and tells the team to withdraw. Cobra Island is now its own country. Cobra Commander cackles: “what a great system! If you have enough money and you can hire the best lawyers, you can do anything you want!”


  • Great ending. One of Hama’s pessimistic views on the military: all the REAL fighting and negotiating is done with money and lawyers.
  • The Joes’ assault is somewhat stupid. Roughly 10 Joes are able to assault the island, take out all the HISS tanks, ASP pods and troops. But… they are supposed to be the best military men around. Plus, Cobra only had a small force stocked inside the old freighter.
  • This Cobra Island plot, while necessary to the overall series, seemed to come out of nowhere. I’ve always wondered if the idea was more Hasbro than Marvel. Compare the two: the evil island that everyone knows about…and the seemingly ordinary American town that secretly houses a terrorist organization. It’s never been proved where the Cobra Island idea came from, but I have my suspicions.
  • For the second issue in a row, both Shipwreck and Barbeque use their unconventional weapons (Shipwreck’s “anchor on a string” and Barbeque’s fire ax). I don’t think they would use them again.
  • The Cobra Ferret appears and once again it has a different design. This month is looks like an old Nazi vehicle from WWII.
  • Little editorial caption box tells us that “Mayday” is derived from the French “M’aidez” for “Help Me”. Comics just aren’t educational anymore!
  • As the tidal wave approchaes the USS Flagg, a sailor is concerned about the Skystrikers not being tied down. The reply: “too bad! Everybody’s taxes go up next year!”
  • Roadblock and Gung-Ho are once again working as a tag team. It’s been sorta’ established that they’re buddies, now.
  • Pretty neat cover. But Snake-Eyes appears on it with his “window shade visor”, like his 1985 action figure (his second figure). Inside, Snake-Eyes is still wearing his old outfit. He wouldn’t don the new outfit for a few more issues.


Characters (figures):Duke, Stalker, Roadblock, Recondo, Ace, Tripwire, Doc, Gung-Ho, Cutter, Snow Job, Snake-Eyes, Shipwreck, Barbeque, Hawk, Scarlett (cameo), Cobra Commander, Tomax, Xamot, Zartan

Characters (“comic-only”):Professor Appel

Vehicles and stuff (toys): Tactical Battle Platform, WHALE, USS Flagg, Skystriker, Cobra ASP, Cobra HISS, Cobra FANG, Cobra Rattler
Vehicles and stuff (not toys): ARBCO Star

Vehicles: none

Rating: Rating: 3 Flag Points

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