G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #44

“Improvisations on a Theme”

Writer: Larry Hama
Penciler: Rod Whigham


In the deserts outside Las Vegas, Lady J runs new recruits Heavy Metal, Bazooka, Crankcase and Airtight through a vehicle training course. Suddenly they’re attacked by new Cobra BATs, equipped with mutant creeper vine spores. The Joes are knocked out, stripped of their ammo and taken to a junkyard maze. Dr. Mindbender has set up a demonstration to show the Baroness and Destro how nifty his mutant spores are. The Joes take out the BATs and spoil Mindbender’s demo. The three villains escape on a FANG and that’s that.


  • This issue is similar to the ridiculous plots of the cartoon series and would’ve been perfect for an episode. Seeing some new guys get the spotlight is the only thing saving this issue from being a complete embarrassment.
  • The creeper vines were a lame idea– and seemed to have been based off of the “Snake Vines” from the second cartoon mini-series (“Revenge of Cobra” or Weather Dominator).
  • Dr. Mindbender is called “Dr. Brainwave” for the first half of the story. I thought he was a throwaway character and I was shocked when I saw his figure a few months later (this book came out in December 1985, about 3 months before the arrival of the FIFTH wave of GI joe crap).
  • Once again, things are piling up. The four new Joes (and their vehicles) were all from the fourth wave yet they’re debuting the same time as Dr. Mindbender and the BATs– stuff from the fifth wave.
  • The Cobra Stinger jeeps (stuff from the third wave) also make their official debut. But I like to score issue 18 as their accidental debut.
  • Lady J is finally cited as “Lady Jaye” halfway through the story. She’d been referred to with the “J” spelling since her arrival. What the hell does that name mean, anyways?! I’ve never been able to figure out the significance of it.
  • Kinda’ weird how Lady Jaye, herself a recent recruit, is leading more new recruits on an exercise. You’d think someone with more seniority would’ve had the assignment.
  • Airtight is developed as a complete dork. He likes peanut butter and tomato sandwiches and collects live scorpions. He wasn’t used much after this, though. Initially, a lot of the early Joes had distinctive personality quirks (Clutch, Tripwire, etc), but they get pushed to the back as the roster expands annually.
  • Heavy Metal, despite looking like a member of the Village People with his long mustache, was supposed to be a rock n’ roller/headbanger. He mentions that he went to a Twisted Sister concert. He’s another guy who was never developed.
  • Lady Jaye mentions that she’ll treat the new recruits to some “Yo-Jo Cola”. Ugh.
  • The new AWE Striker and Mauler MBT were essentially replacements/upgrades for two original vehicles: the VAMP and MOBAT. Both in stories and on the toy shelves.
  • This issue was given a 3-pack collector comic treatment in 2006. Featured a Lady Jaye figure and two gas-masked Cobras (who appear for all of ONE panel in the story). The Lady Jaye figure was significant because it was the first one to not feature her in that stupid hat.


Characters (figures):Lady Jaye, Heavy Metal, Crankcase, Airtight, Bazooka, Destro, Baroness, Dr. Mindbender, BATs

Characters (“comic-only”):none

Vehicles and stuff (toys): AWE Striker, Mauler MBT, Silver Mirage Motorcycle, Cobra HISS, Cobra Stinger, Cobra FANG

Vehicles and stuff (not toys): none to speak of

Characters:Heavy Metal, Crankcase, Bazooka, Airtight, Dr. Mindbender, BATs
Vehicles: AWE Striker, Mauler MBT, Silver Mirage Motorcycle, Cobra Stinger (official)

Rating: Rating: 2 Flag Points

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