G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #67

“Cold Snap”

Writer: Larry Hama
Penciler: Ron Wagner


Stalker and crew arrive in Utah and are given a hero’s welcome by the entire team. Stalker, Snow Job and Quick Kick hold no animosity towards Outback and ease him of any guilt.

Meanwhile, Cobra has moved into the Scandinavian country of Frusenland with their Terror Dromes. Frusenland is typically peaceful but suddenly the rural reindeer hunters begin attacking the townspeople. All caused by the true nature of the Terror Dromes: they’ve been broadcasting low-frequency paranoia rays– plans that Cobra acquired from KWINN, shortly after issue #2! With a crisis on his hands, the prime minister of Frusenland suddenly has a need for arms…

In an epilogue in San Francisco, Storm Shadow, Jinx, Blind Master and Billy discuss the need to overcome violence by mastering it. Storm Shadow: “We are guilty of believing in something as obsolete, forgotten and despised as …honor”.


  • Finally ties up the vague “Terror Drome mystery”. Cobra’s master plan was to sell them cheap, broadcast the waves to stir up unrest, then make a killing by selling arms and munitions to the same country. Which, if you think about it, is a wonderfully sick and EVIL plan. Capitalist terrorist s= EVIL!!
  • Frusenland is a stand-in for a place like “Lapland” (Finland).
  • Psyche-Out and Hawk welcome back Scarlett and Snake-Eyes. Psyche-Out “officially” concludes that they were both “deranged by the land-mine blast” and had no idea that they were violating orders. Another of Hawk’s little “oh dear…did we violate orders?” manueverings (see issue 45 and Rip-cord). He believes in doing the right thing, regardless of what the high command says. But he’s adept at creating little loopholes and “oversights”.
  • Flint and Lady Jaye have a little tiff about “caring for people”. They have a big hug and are now officially an item.
  • Nice touch to continuity by referencing Kwinn and the Russian “fear rays” from issue 2! I had completely forgotten about that, over the years.
  • In Frusenland, there’s a “special US research team”…which will be revealed next issue.
  • Lots of cameos in this issue during the big “welcome home” segment. Tough to score, again.


Characters (figures):Hawk, Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, Storm Shadow, Jinx, Stalker, Quick Kick, Snow Job, Outback, Flint, Lady Jaye, Psyche-Out, Baroness, Dr. Mindbender

Characters (“comic-only”): Blind Master, Billy, Fred VII, Prime Minister Volff

Joe cameos: Leatherneck, Roadblock, Doc, Shipwreck, Dial-Tone, Bazooka, Dusty, Rip-cord (?), Hardtop, Cross Country, Rock n’ Roll, Lifeline, Tunnel Rat, Gung Ho,

Vehicles and stuff (toys): Defiant, AWE Striker, Mauler, APC, HAVOC, Minitank, Persuader, Silver Mirage, RAM (?), Cobra Wolf, Cobra Maggot, Cobra Terror Drome

Vehicles and stuff (not toys): GI Joe C-130, Cobra gunship/transport copter.

Characters: Prime Minister Volff

Vehicles and stuff: Cobra Wolf, Cobra Maggot

Rating: 3 Flag Points

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