G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #78


Writer: Larry Hama
Penciler: Rod Whigham


Storm Shadow’s team arrives in DC, but they’re arrested by guys from the Domestic Operations Agency. Rock n’ Roll suddenly swings by and takes them to Burkhart’s home. There, a small team of Joes are planning on setting things right.

With Burkhart leading the “charge”, the Joes walk into Lo’s Hospital, where Hawk and Hollingsworth are being kept. A small news team arrives, as well. Burkhart demands to know if the “patients” are being treated or if they’re prisoners. The DOA agents slip under the pressure and fire off a few rounds. Hawk and Hollingsworth are about to be attacked by Malthus and his goons, but DESTRO suddenly arrives. Destro shows to the cameras that Malthus contracted with MARS to provide supplies for the Cobra Island campaign. Malthus is exposed and everything seems okay.


  • Having a TV crew film and expose the manipulative bad guy is a tired old cliche of action movies (right up their with the Magic Ventilation Shaft or the Old-Ass Security Guard Who Gets Blown Away). It may have started in the 80’s with the advent of “expose’ journalism”. Like old 20/20 stuff. TV cameras often set things right and help the good guys win. Marvel used this same tactic a few months earlier in the “Fall of the Mutants” for both X-men and X-Factor.
  • The Joes enter St. Lo’s disguised as orderlies. But they’re all wearing shades which allow them to see the special “GI JOE” markings on their teammates. Special glasses…sorta’ like “They Live”!
  • Destro had been watching the whole thing on TV. He was disgusted that the Jugglers had framed Hawk for the invasion thing. Destro saves the day simply because he “respects” Hawk. That’s okay…because way back in 1983, on his filecard, it mentioned that Destro respected the Joes. So they’re keeping with established characterization.
  • It’s established that Wet-Suit is one of the missing Joes who arrives in DC. Which makes it messy when trying to figure out who “Seal” was, during the Cobra Island War.
  • Grunt answered the call, as well. He brings along his girlfriend, Lola, who was also a former serviceman…err, woman. Lola picks up a machine gun and isn’t shy about fighting.
  • Rod Whigham returns to the book for fill-in work. I’m guessing the bi-weekly format overloaded Ron Wagner, so they needed additional artists (Whigham and Marshall Rogers).
  • Storm Shadow’s crew could have taken out all the DOA guys…but they were in a very public place and didn’t want to cause any damage or turmoil.
  • Rock n’ Roll rescues the ninjas in a flame-painted Chevy. But it was all water-based paint and dissolves after going through a car wash. They then continue down the road, disguised as MPs.
  • Malthus and Senator Hegel had planned for Hawk and Hollingsworth to have a fatal “accident”. Dump all the blame on them, make sure the media knows it, then have them conveniently executed. Again, it’s more of the Dark Shit you’d never expect in a kiddie comic. The US government is out to get the Joes.


Characters (figures):Hawk, Roadblock, Storm Shadow, Grunt, Jinx, Cover Girl, Bazooka, Steeler, Wet Suit, Snow Job, Dusty, Barbeque, Zap, Destro, Baroness

Characters (“comic-only”): Gen. Hollingsworth, Billy, Dr. Adele Burkhart, Gen. Malthus, Sen. Hegel, Lola

Vehicles and stuff (toys): none

Vehicles and stuff (not toys): Destro’s “Little Bird” chopper

Characters: Senator Hegel

Vehicles and stuff: none

Rating: 3 Flag Points

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