G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #126


Writer: Larry Hama
Penciler: Andrew Wildman


Back in Trans-Carpathia, the GI Joe Ninja Force confronts the unmasked “Red Ninja Warlord”. It’s….FIREFLY! But, wasn’t he just a sabotuer in a cool costume? Nope. Realizations unfold quickly as Firefly monologues and tells his past: he’s actually The Faceless Master! That guy from the Arashikage family portrait (from way back in issue 63 or so) who always had his picture blurred. How’d he do it? He simply moved his face.

Firefly tells how he the Viet-Ming killed his parents and he was taken in by the Koga Ninja Clan. He became a big cheese in the clan, which is how he met Professor Onihashi (the swordsmith of the Arashikage clan, too). He was allowed access to the Arashikage clan and was approached by Cobra Commander to murder Snake-Eyes. Firefly realized Snake-Eyes was too much of a bad-ass, so he went back to CC and coerced him into hiring a contractor– Zartan.

So basically, Firefly, a former trusted ally of the Arashikage clan, arranged the murder of the Hard Master. In addition, Firefly was the guy who piloted Zartan’s escape copter (see issue 27).

But wasn’t Firefly found dead in Arbco Star? Nope. He actually found Serpentor’s old body, scruffed up the face, and placed Serpie in his “Firefly” togs. He also found the discarded BATs from the Cobra Civil War. While Zartan and everyone else dug away, Firefly snuck off into a corner of the Arbco Star, sat back, and let the re-progammed BATs dig him an escape tunnel. (Apparently, the Star was huge…as nobody else seemed to notice).

But then things get a little goofy. Firefly releases a cloud of gas to KO the Ninja Force, Slice and Dice. Suddenly, his BATs appear..along with a Brainwave Scanner he found. Firefly plans to brainwash all the ninjas and have his own private army.


  • Hama has a little caption box in the letters page where he explains some more about Firefly. Specifically, he points out all the differences between Firefly and Zartan. Many fans thought that Zartan was the “Faceless Master”. I can almost guarantee you that NOBODY thought it was Firefly. Hama claims: “I’ve been saving this one for years!”
  • Yet there was a letters page, circa issue 25-35, that stated: “No. Firefly is NOT a ninja”.
  • Firefly’s inclusion to the Snake-Eyes/Storm Shadow/Cobra Commander/Zartan plot is still a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, it’s kinda’ cool, because Firefly was always a nifty looking, underutilized character (in my own personal little stories, I had him banging the Baroness and taking over Cobra— simply because I thought his figure was awesome). On the other hand, it seems a bit forced and his escape from the Arbco Star is hard to swallow. His ranting and suddenly ascension to a mastermind is a little too sci-fi for the book, too.
  • I suppose it’s cool to have him involved…but this story itself isn’t too entertaining. Firefly stands around, monologues, then calls out his BATs.
  • Firefly also dons his new 1992 green and gray costume.
  • As part of his “Faceless Master” gimmick, Firefly used hypnosis to make his face appear featureless. He eventually settles on a normal look in this issue.
  • No mention is made of why Firefly developed his reputation for explosives or why he ever became the “Cobra Saboteur”.
  • Apparently, the other Joes in Trans-Carpathia (Hawk, Roadblock and the guys in the Battle Wagon), don’t care about the Ninja Force and haven’t bothered to look for or contact them.
  • Wildman’s pencils become more “Image-y” this issue. For instance, most of his figures are drawn with their mouths wide open, as if they’re shouting or gasping. Just a trend, at the time.
  • GI Joe Dossier is of Gung Ho


Characters (figures): Snake-Eyes, Storm Shadow, Tjbang, Dojo, Nunchuk, Slice, Dice, Firefly, Serpentor (cameo/corpse flashback), Zartan (flashback)

Characters (“comic-only”): Soft Master, Hard Master (both in flashback)

Vehicles and stuff (toys): none

Vehicles and stuff (not toys): none

Characters: none

Vehicles and stuff: none

Rating: 3 Flag Points

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