G.I. JoeG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (ARAH)

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #127

“Playing with the Big Boys!”

Writer: Larry Hama
Penciler: Andrew Wildman


Stalker and Duke are in Manhattan where they meet up with “G.I. Joe” and Jane, again (last seen in issue 86). Over in the Jersey marshes, a Cobra communications base appears to be hacking into Joe’s SDI laser atop the Chrysler Building. Joe leads the umm, Joes on raid to the Cobra base in New Jersey. While that’s happening, Cobra Commander himself leads a small crew into the Chrysler Building, where they succeed in taking over the laser. But instead of using it on the Joes, they use the laser to blow away the freighter of Headman and his Headhunters. The DEF shows up at the freighter wreckage to take Headman’s crew into custody.


  • A small plot point involves gridlocked Manhattan traffic, and how the Joes have to descend the Chrysler Building, cross the street, then ascend to the top of the Pan Am Building to catch the Tomahawk.
  • At the end, Cobra Commander has an epiphany of sorts. He’s inspired by how well his operation went and wants to step things up against the Joes.
  • “G.I. Joe” mentions that he was “an adventurer for awhile, back when the army was out of vogue”. So yup, all the 1970’s GI Joe Adventure Team characters could be considered in the “Joe Universe”.
  • Cobra Commander and his team walk out of the Chrysler Building, disguised in civvies. Just like he did back in issues 55-60, CC uses his goofy red beret, dark glasses and long mustache disguise.
  • Once again, the title makes annoying use of the exclamation point. Check the last few issues. Most of them have had an exclamation point in the title.
  • The title is also another pun on the size difference between the old and new GI Joe toys.
  • Duke appears in his new “Desert Storm” outfit, or like his 1992 figure. Stalker is in his nifty black n’ white “Battle Commander” or 12″ figure outfit (my personal favorite of his uniforms).
  • Probably deliberate, but Duke and Stalker were two of the figures released in the 1991/1992 “Hall of Fame” 12 inch figure line (the same size as the original GI Joe toys). They also made a hooded Cobra Commander 12 incher. Which would explain why he, once again, foolishly rides into combat with his cloth hood.
  • Wild Bill appears in his new outfit, as well. His 1992 yellow n’ blue “Air Calvary” get-up.
  • The DEF cruises around in a small watercraft. It’s too small and too stylish to be the WHALE, and there was never something like a “DEF Drug Buster Boat” made by Hasbro. So it’s scored under the non-toy category.
  • Had to double-check, but I didn’t see Junkyard with the DEF. First (and possibly only) time we’ve seen Mutt without his best friend. You can No-Prize this and say ol’ Junk was taking a nap on the DEF boat.
  • I believe this spells the end of Headman’s activities in the book.
  • GI Joe Dossier is of the Baroness, with art by George Perez (she looks kinda’ hot, too).


Characters (figures): Duke, Stalker, Wild Bill, Cutter, Bullet-proof, Shockwave, Mutt, Cobra Commander, Headman

Characters (“comic-only”): G.I. Joe (Colton), G.I. Jane

Vehicles and stuff (toys): Battle Copters, Tomahawk, Cobra Combat Gilders, Cobra Rat

Vehicles and stuff (not toys): DEF boat

Characters: none

Vehicles and stuff: DEF boat, Cobra Rat, Cobra Combat Gilders

Rating: 2 Flag Points

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